
Refunds & Returns Policy

1. Refunds

You can request a refund for ordered products if:

2. Returns

If the item is damaged, or wrong item, we request you to send us photos, and/or a video, a receipt to prove case. We will evaluate and E-Mail you back to inform the result. If the result is accepted, we will send you the address to return the product. The product and its packaging have to be unused and in the original condition that you received it. (The process and expense of delivery the return product back is responded by the buyer). Once we have received the return product, we will evaluate and inform you the result. If it is approved, the refund will be processed.

We do not issue the refund if:

*You can submit refund requests within 7 days after the guaranteed time has expired, or after you have received the item within 7 days which ever is earlier. You can do it by sending a message on Contact Us page.

          1) The refund for return item is half of the buy price in case of you purchase via free-shipping. In case of the buyer buys the product with separated shipping cost, the refund will be vary from half to full of the product price (excludes shipping cost).

         2) The refund for not received the item will vary from half to full amount of the buy price.

         Both refund cases may become slightly less due to the following fees, ex. deduction by the transaction fee of service provider, exchange rate.

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